"All views expressed here are personal and does not reflect that of my professional association"
Watching my son playing with his lego building his castles, rocket-ships and assorted things I sometimes join him as well, I find it very stimulating and creative. Just about anything goes, the objective is to create what he imagined. It does not seem logical, functional or accurate, but he has a story to tell. Watching this skill of his going from one strength to another, this got me thinking. Pablo Picasso's quote on creativity sums it up "Every child is an artist, the problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up".
Our life experiences make us behave in a certain way, as we accumulate experiences our flexibility to think out of the box becomes limited. Given "Innovation" is a pet topic for all organisations and each one of them seems to have the "best" way to handle, success is relative when it comes to creating a culture of innovation. I would say it is "at best a work in progress" for most organisations. To innovate, collaborate and evolve will make organisations more successful than their peers. The roles become more complex and intense and other distractions leave little time for anything else. While any of the above are not optional, there needs to be an easier way to solve this problem, I thought of coming up with a new approach that would solve the equation, that it is easy and effective.
I came across this video on youtube which captured my thought crisply. Recently, I set aside 1 hour to try this process. The outcome was stunning, to say the least, we came up with 4 great ideas that were worth its weight in gold and surely beats my experience with time tested frameworks. The process focuses on defining the problem statement, the philosophy here is "Innovation is about defining the correct problem statement accurately" and that if the problem is understood solution just follows.
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